
Articles about unlocking your potential through training the mind, body and soul.

Back to Work Wellness Tips

Hello Everybody,

I’d like to give you some quick health and wellness tips as summer draws to a close and we return to our routines.

1. What gets measured gets done – use the SMART goal setting model for ONE important goal. S stands for specific e.g. I want to lose 10kg, M stands for...

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Making Resolutions that Stick

Howdy health and wellness partners,

Wishing you all a prosperous and healthy 2022.

Some tips for health and wellness resolutions to keep in mind:


1. Ensure your goals are based on what you want for yourself not because you feel "I should" do this... Also, goals based around impressing...

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Make Healthy Habits Stick in 2021

It's easier to replace an old unhealthy habit with a newer and healthier one rather than going cold turkey.

Giving up cigarettes for example, it's a good idea to put in a new habit like stretching or grabbing a healthy tea when you would have usually gone for that fag at 11.00 or 16.00. 


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