
Articles about unlocking your potential through training the mind, body and soul.

The 4 Pillars of Weight Loss

Before the pillars are revealed, success in this area starts with 4 questions.

1. What do I really want when it comes to weight loss?

Think about how you would look, feel and carry yourself. You might even have a target number in mind and potentially an outfit you’d really like to get into....

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58kg weight loss between 3 clients ain't bad...

Claire Gates lost 17kg in one year with Performance Treanor

Weight Loss Period: 12-months

Initial Weight: 77kg

End Weight: 59.9kg

Before Photo:

1-month Photo:

After Photo:

Claire's weight at the end of her 1-year weight loss effort with Performance Treanor was 59.9kg.

Her weight loss journey...

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Back to Work Wellness Tips

Hello Everybody,

I’d like to give you some quick health and wellness tips as summer draws to a close and we return to our routines.

1. What gets measured gets done – use the SMART goal setting model for ONE important goal. S stands for specific e.g. I want to lose 10kg, M stands for...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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