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Corporate workshops

Help your employees perform to the best of their ability

As an employer, you most likely want your employees to perform to the best of their ability, thus improving your company performance and reducing down-time and low productivity (caused by poor morale, attitudes and coping mechanisms). The great news is that improving performance is moving into your hands.

Why are health, wellness and personal productivity vital for your workplace?

  • 6 in 10 people are likely to stay longer term with employers interested in their wellbeing. Ref – Behaviour and Attitudes, ‘Wellness in the Workplace’.

  • 11 million days are lost (In Ireland) through absenteeism every year at a cost of €1.5bn or €818 per employee. Ref – Ibec ‘Employee Absenteeism: A Guide to Managing Absence’.

  • According to Gallup’s recent State of the Global Workplace report, 85% of employees are not engaged or they are actively disengaged at work. The economic consequences of this global "norm" are approximately $7 trillion in lost productivity (Gallup). 


What we cover in our workshops

Help your employees thrive at work with our workshops. We offer workplace wellbeing sessions, conference energisers and performance surgeries; can be provided over a full day or week, during offsite events, as a lunch-time learning, with groups or 1 on 1. All tailored to your needs.


Sample workshops

Peaceful and Restorative Sleep

Sleep is the least talked about and most undervalued element of Peak Performance. Unfortunately when people get busy and feel overwhelmed, they deny themselves sleep at the expense of tomorrow’s productivity and mood.

People who sleep only 6 hours a night are 50% more likely to come down with a virus than people who sleep until they’re rested.

Research indicates that how well we sleep has a stronger impact on our day-today happiness than how much we earn for a living. Research on super sleepers -- people who consistently fall asleep when they want to and wake up feeling refreshed – we see that they reap precisely these benefits. Studies show that they are 25% happier, 30% more able to achieve their goals, and 40% less stressed.

In less than an hour-long module you can transform the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • Hear about a fascinating study on an enhanced sleep routine. After just over a month the participants were different level performers.
  • It’s not just the quantity of sleep where you can make improvements but the quality. Ideal temperature, lighting and noise all play a role in developing a lovely sleep cave for a better level of sleep.
  • What you should think to help you nod off and what to do on those nights when you just can’t get that shut eye.

Tangible results

  • Find out whether you are sleep deprived.
  • Assess how long you need to sleep for optimal performance (not the same for everyone).
  • Actions you can take during the day to help you feel sleepy when you want to be feeling tired late in your day.
  • For parents of young kids you will be glad to know that the quality of your sleep can be improved through a personalised sleep runway routine and adapting sleep promoting thoughts while in bed.


More Time and Higher Energy

Many people say they place more importance on time than money but they would never leave their wallet as open to others as their calendar.

We need to be more protective of our time and more aware of our energy levels to get our most meaningful tasks complete to a high quality.

Studies indicate that the average worker spends 6 hours a day on email. A university study teaches us about managing email more productively and efficiently - this was shown to be as beneficial to stress levels as relaxation techniques.

Unfortunately people are engaging in activities impulsively that are hurting productivity. One very popular one actually hurts our intelligence (as if we are under the influence of marijuana) and means it takes us 30% longer to finish our work.

In less than an hour-long module, you will learn how to keep your energy levels topped up throughout the day and ways to ensure your schedule works to your favour.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The performance benefits of scheduling to your strengths 
  • A cognitive psychologist’s guide to ploughing through your email 
  • How to prevent distractions from hijacking your day
  • What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed

Tangible results

  • Find out the ideal amount of times to check your email daily and how to manage your inbox in a way that makes it feel less overwhelming.
  • Learn some go to responses to help you get out of time wasting commitments. These responses can help you trade popularity for respect.
  • Learn of a strategic time for you to adapt an energy giving practice which is being slowly accepted in businesses with Nike, Zappos and Google among the first to embrace it.

Move to Perform


Too many people see work and health as mutually exclusive when they are actually complementary.

Incorporating mini movement habits into your day can have a big impact on your health and wellness long term but more importantly from a motivation standpoint they help you to feel energised and focused in the short term.

Sedentary behaviour is a risk factor for at least 35 chronic health conditions. Most people are unaware of these risks. 

Time spent sitting has been linked with increased risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease and poor metabolic health.

With activity, you can reduce your risk of stroke or add time to your life. 

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The habit loop to help you incorporate healthy and energising movement into your day in the same/less amount of time it takes to have a coffee or cigarette.
  • Sedentarism is 5,000 or less steps per day – avoid falling into this trap with some mindset adaptations.
  • Better than nothing workout and office stretch routine.

Tangible results

  • Ergonomic advice, simple and quick office stretches to avoid repetitive strain.
  • Essential tips for remaining health conscious at work. 
  • Using a simple maths equation can help you live and work healthier. 
  • Ideas to use exercise to improve employee and cross departmental relationships.

What our audience say about our workshops:

"In his wellbeing sessions, Declan was an extremely articulate and engaging presenter. He managed to keep everyone’s attention, stirring a lively Q&A in the end of his perfectly structured presentations. Following the sessions, Declan provided participants with interesting relevant materials (videos, books, articles) to help them pursue the learnings individually.

We would recommend Declan to all professionals aiming at achieving a higher degree of wellbeing at work and in their personal lives."

Lucyna Gutman-Grauer

- Head of employee training at Interel -

"I took part in a “Stress Management” workshop with Declan. I found it to be a very valuable experience. Declan brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the session.

This, in combination with his positive disposition, made the session fun and informative. Rather than reading theory from slides, Declan valued input and personal stories from the participants. This allowed him to tailor his advice to each individual. From a personal perspective, I gained useful nuggets of information that have allowed me to better deal with the stresses presented in work, e.g. how stepping away from the computer for a few minutes during the day and doing a few simple exercises can help to refocus the mind during a busy period.

Since the workshop, I have implemented some of the stress management techniques that were discussed and built them into my daily routine. As a result, my ability to handle the stresses of the work day has improved, as has my overall performance. All in all, I would highly recommend the course."

Conor Treacy

- Head of Quality at Navi group -

They hosted a workshop

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