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Back to Work Wellness Tips

Hello Everybody,

I’d like to give you some quick health and wellness tips as summer draws to a close and we return to our routines.

1. What gets measured gets done – use the SMART goal setting model for ONE important goal. S stands for specific e.g. I want to lose 10kg, M stands for...

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10 books that can change your life

10 books that can change your life through health, wellness and personal productivity gains:

1. The Feeling Good Handbook by Dr. Burns – helps you to notice that harsh inner voice and learn how to engage with that internal dialogue in a much healthier manner.

2. Eat Move Sleep by Tom Rath...

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3 Massive Time Savers

Sometimes our busy brains can work against us.

Being aware of these three mental blindspots could be a productivity game changer for you.

  1. Completion Bias: We are wired as humans to get satisfaction from task completion. You will be familiar with this if you ever completed a task that wasn't...
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50% Complete

Two Step

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